Conference or Meeting Event Catering Ideas

Food and snacks at conferences or meetings are often an afterthought. After all, it is a fairly minor feature of the entire event in comparison to organising expert guest presentations or accommodation. However, having good food can leave a long lasting impression on attendees, and will hopefully make them feel appreciated and eager to come back for your next big event.

To get you started with your conference catering planning, consider a few of the following ideas:

Provide an Experience, Not Just a Meal

Plan food or drink that will create interest. Decide food options from the mindset of providing an experience rather than just sustenance. Are there any ways to creatively alter a simple dish or beverage to make it more interesting? For example, at meetings rather than just offering typical breakfast tea and a standard coffee brand, offer Earl Grey or herbal varieties of tea and multiple flavours of coffee. For a little extra expense, add interesting condiments like ground cinnamon, lemon, honey, flavoured syrups (such as hazelnut) and a variety of sugars and sugar substitutes.

Different Dietary Requirements

There are a lot of considerations when it comes to diet. Vegetarianism and veganism are on the rise and food intolerances such as gluten, nut or lactose allergies are now also fairly common. Providing a good variety of food to accommodate these needs is essential.

Local or Festive Cuisine

If the conference or meeting is situated in an area with a particular cuisine, or the event falls around a holiday that also celebrates with a particular cuisine, find a local or specialist caterer that can provide a range of these foods. Although most guests will probably be keen to try out new foods, there is the possibility that some may dislike it, so it's wise to also offer other, safer options.


The option of a customisable dish (such as with a buffet) adds an element of fun to the food and will ensure there is a food choice for everyone. For example, for breakfasts try having an omelette station where guests can choose their fillings and for lunch have a sandwich bar.

High Food Quality

If the budget allows go for local organic produce rather than cheaper food and drink options. This can greatly improve the flavour and nutrition of the food you are offering.

Booking Partners

A meeting or conference booking agent can ensure your event catering is of the highest quality with a wide variety of options that suit both your attendees and your budget. With Booking Partners, you can specify your requirements and we'll do the research to find you the best venue at the best prices.

Contact us on +44 (0)330 022 8643 or via e-mail at

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